What is a Neck Lift (Rhytidectomy)
The loss of youthful contours in the face and neck can be due to a variety of factors, including heredity, gravity, environmental conditions, and stress. A neck lift is designed to improve the visible signs of aging in the jaw and neck regions such as:
- Excess fat and skin relaxation in the lower face that creates jowls
- Excess fatty deposits under the chin
- Loose neck skin
- Muscle banding in the neck which created abnormal contours
Am I a Candidate for a Neck Lift?
Individuals who exhibit signs of aging in the lower jaw and neck area but are not ready for a full face lift can be potential candidates for a neck lift. Additionally, patients with excessive skin due to weigh loss or a double chin may see improvement from this procedure. Ultimately, when the neck area does not match the upper facial appearance, a neck lift may be a good solution.
What is the Recovery Like?
During the recovery process, a bandage could gently be placed around your face and neck to minimize swelling and bruising when your procedure is completed. It is important to keep your head elevated above your heart to minimize swelling and to keep your head straight (no excessive twisting or bending of the neck). Most patients feel comfortable returning to work after about a week, but Dr Zimmerman will advise you when it is safe to return to regular activity.