Who is a Candidate for Chin Augmentation or Implants?

The chin is an important facial feature to create an overall balance and harmony in the facial appearance. A weak or receding chin can create the illusion of an oversized nose. An oversized chin, on the other hand must also be avoided as it can be overbearing in relation to other facial features. Generally it will throw off the facial balance, and cause a masculine appearance in a woman.

There are primarily two ways of performing a chin augmentation, or enlargement. One technique involves actually moving the boney prominence of the chin with cranio-facial surgery. This creates a more permanent result, and is often preferred in extreme cases where extensive chin augmentation or lengthening is required.

Moderate chin augmentations can be achieved with insertion of a chin implant. Made of a silicone based material, these soft and natural feeling chin implants can be introduced through an incision in the gum of the lower lip, or as preferred by Dr. Zimmerman, through a small incision in the skin crease beneath the chin. A minimal ‘pocket’ is created for the chin implant, which is also fixed in place with suture, to prevent it from moving out of alignment. Chin implants come in varied shapes and sizes so they may be optimized to fit ones facial requirements.

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What Is The Recovery Like?

Recovery from this procedure is only a few days, with minimal swelling or discomfort. Most patients will return to work within 4 days of their surgery.